Saturday, 31 March 2012

Pet Vaccines

Pet vaccines create immunization in the body of animal against deadly and contagious diseases. The debate over pet vaccines’ implementation has been going on since its development in 1950’s. Before the development of Pet Vaccines, the diseases such as rabies, canine parvovirus, canine distemper, canine bordetella, feline leukemia, feline panleukopenia and other serious diseases were rampant and every pet used to suffer a lot. In such circumstances, vaccines appeared to be as blessings and helped in reduction and eradication of occurrence of most fatal diseases. Results clearly showed that pets who were vaccinated properly were less vulnerable to diseases that those who did not receive vaccine.
Vaccination type and frequency of inoculation may vary based on your pet’s age and physical health and well-being. Make sure that you are aware of your pet’s vaccination expiration date in order to maintain on-going vaccination.
Pet vaccines improve the immune system of the body against specific diseases. The body responds to the antigen by building up antibodies to protect and to fight against the disease. When vaccinated pet is exposed to the disease later, his body recognizes that and gets prepare to ward off the foreign disease through antibodies which are produced through vaccine.

Types of Pet Vaccines:

There are basically two common types of vaccines:
  1. Attenuated vaccine
  2. In-active vaccine

Attenuated vaccine or live vaccine:

Attenuated vaccine consists of weakened-live organism or virus that causes disease. There are many examples of highly successful vaccines in pets that have been developed using a live attenuated organism or virus. These vaccines are prepared to control diseases such as canine distemper, and so on.
Attenuated vaccine stimulates the immune response faster and last longer as compared to inactive vaccine. Although, it can cause certain severe complications in few cases under specific conditions.

In-active or killed vaccine:

This vaccine contains in-active micro-organisms that have been killed with the help of chemicals, heat, radioactivity, and antibiotics. But these micro-organisms are virulent earlier. Examples of in-active pet vaccines are influenza vaccine and rabies vaccine.

1 comment :

  1. There are various types of viruses catch the body of dogs so dog owner's need to vaccines for health care of dogs. We can say that vaccination is nothing but protection of dog against that types viruses in simple meaning. Vaccination is the principal for taking care of our dog and it discover the dog's body from viruses.
