arthritis is common like arthritis in old human beings. Arthritis in definition
means inflammation of the joints. Indeed, this is an old age disease; but it
can also affect young people in certain circumstances. It causes same problems as in human beings such
- Favouring a limb
- More pain while sitting or standing or changing the postures
- Sleeping more
- Weight gain or obesity
- Joints are stiff and sore
- Avoidance of jumping, running or climbing stairs
- Lose of interest in different activities and games
- Attitude and behaviour changes
- Being less alert
If symptoms
of arthritis are similar in human beings and your furry friends, this does not
mean that you may start the treatment of arthritis with human medicines. As you
see above mentioned signs and symptoms in your dog, you must take your pet to
the vet for correct diagnosis and start immediate treatment with his help.
Most pet
owners are aware of dog arthritis and find the management of it a nightmare
because it does not have any magical cure. There is no treatment of arthritis
that can give 100 per cent result and arthritis problem gets vanish. Once
arthritis develops in dogs, it goes on with the dogs by the survival of pet. Medication for canine arthritis does alleviate the intensity of pain temporarily. However, there are
some measures that can alleviate the amount of agony that dogs with arthritis
1. Comfortable bedding:
You can
lessen the pain of your dog with arthritis by providing a soft foam with comfortable
bedding. Your long life companion does demand a little more attention and
comfort from you. So, never disappoint him this time as well.
2. Regular exercise:
Wensley, PDSA Senior Veterinary Surgeon, says: “Excess pounds can contribute to
a number of serious health conditions and, sadly, it does reduce life
Pet owners
can improve the quality of life of their pets by regular exercise. Light and
easy exercise can reduce the traumas of dogs with arthritis to a great extend.
Always avoid strenuous exercises in your old dog because they will add the
3. A balanced diet:
More than a
third of dogs (2.9million) are overweight or obese while 25 per cent of cats (3
million) suffer the same problem, according to figures from the People’s Dispensary
for Sick Animals, PDSA, published in a Newspaper.
A diet that
helps to maintain a certain weight and keeps you healthy and smart is a
balanced diet. Select a balanced diet for your dog with arthritis so that weight
problem cannot arise. Since weight control is essential in case of arthritis.
More body weight means more weight on inflamed joints of legs. A meal without
saturated fats and trans- fats can give your dog a comfortable life with dog
Any right diet or food that is formulated for dogs with arthritis may be the best solution to aid your pet to live a good life with this condition. There are also numerous nutritional supplements that are helpful for dog arthritis patients.
Nearly six
million cats and dogs in Britain are obese and many pet owners do not recognize
this problem in their pets. They reduce the life span of their pets with their
kindness of feeding their pets treats such as cheese, cakes, crisps, biscuits,
and more.
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